Thursday, March 7, 2013


401a. As in Singer 401a. I believe it was my great grandmothers. It's been sitting in our billiards (junk) room for probably 10 years. This is what it looked like earlier today.

I am terribly sorry Miss 401a that you had yard sale items, a broken gutter, dog training homework and black dynamite on top of you for all this time.





This is what it currently looks like.

I must have tried to use it in high school, because there's lime green thread up top and dark green in the bobbin.

I wound up attempting to use it and broke thread every time I attempted a stitch. I did download the user manual and the repair manual... just in case.

I can't wait to get working on this beauty!

For now, Express Your Love is taking a break and I'm going to be getting Miss 401a up and running in no time! Imagine I could have my own work space and stop working at the kitchen table!

For now, I will leave you with this... my helper for the day!


Quilt on,

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