Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy Selfish Sewing Week!

Don't you hate when life gets in the way of... well everything else? Most importantly, quilting!

That's whats been happening with me over the past few weeks, and as insult to injury, my washing machine broke on Tuesday flooding out our hallway and bathroom ahhhhh! My future FIL is here and it's nice to have him as he's from Los Angeles so we only see him a few times a year.

It's selfish sewing week and my machine isn't even plugged in!
I had these great plans of making our guest quilt for the wedding this week, but that hasn't started yet. At least I picked out the fabric!

I also made some progress on my buttons quilt. I'm half way there, woo!

This quilt came together so easily. I'm sure I could finish the whole thing in a few hours, maybe I'll work on it today!

What are you working on???

Quilt on,

1 comment:

  1. Life is definitely getting in the way of my selfish sewing week - so I think I'll have mine the first full week of October, when my grandbabies are on vacation with their parents. I've been working on quilting a huge pile of tops to go on a mission trip with our church middle schoolers (19 in the last week, and seven more to go on the frame today) so that's been keeping me hopping! Your button quilt is looking great!!! Hope you get the time to finish it soon!


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